


Україна, Київ

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Гість: san10484

117.11.08, 23:47

Hello dear,
Your Age, race and marital status are not factors in who I write to you. i am 24 years old young girl. I need someone who will treat me like a lady.You sound as a man of my dream in your profile today on narod.i.ua and it sounds good about you thats why I contacted you for relationships. I have my preferences, and I do not think it is necessary for love to be segrigated by Age. Every woman all have a man of her dream. Sorry my profile is not enough here but will tell you more details about me and my photos if you find time to write me on [email protected].
Yours sweet heart
Miss Sandra

Please write me on [email protected]

Гість: Фенікс Крі

29.09.08, 19:10

Привіт. Запрошую до мого блога почитати фентезі. Якщо сподобається прошу записуватися в друзі.