Україна, Київ
Гість: hey slm
22.03.09 11:21
Do you know turkish...You learn easy..Of the teacher the teacher I can become
122.03.09, 11:45
Do you know turkish...You learn easy..Of the teacher the teacher I can becomeTurkish I do not know
222.03.09, 11:55Відповідь на 1 від KOSHKA_MYR
I türk I am living in turkey.....Did you come to turkey
Повернутися в гостьову
Додати коментарГість: hey slm
22.03.09 11:21
Do you know turkish...You learn easy..Of the teacher the teacher I can become

122.03.09, 11:45
Turkish I do not know
Гість: hey slm
222.03.09, 11:55Відповідь на 1 від KOSHKA_MYR
I türk
I am living in turkey.....Did you come to turkey